Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bizarro Con

Here we are, on the eve of my great adventure to Portland and Bizarro Con. I'm going down a day early--hopefully I'll be able to make myself useful somehow. I'm pretty excited. I'll be getting to see some amazing peeps--and make new friends to boot. Always a good thing.

Should be a lot of fun. I'll be doing at least one panel that I know of, judging a reading contest, attending an awards ceremony (two of my books are nominated) and drinking, drinking and--oh yeah--drinking. I also intend to pick up some new books, because you just can never have too many bizarro books in your library.

Other than that, I finished my novella SWARM OF FLYING EYEBALLS and with any luck that'll be seeing the light of day in the nearish future of 2009. Nick sent me a possible cover for it and I nearly fell out of my chair. It is THAT fucking awesome! I can't wait for everyone to see it.

Now I just have to decide which project to tackle next. I have a bunch of things in various stages of completion, so I should probably work on one of those. We shall see...

Currently reading The Tormenteds by Andersen Prunty (great stuff!) and just started Widdershins by Charles de Lint. Listening to a good bit of metal lately, as I tend to do in the winter for whatever reason.

Now, I think I'll go drink some coffee and fiddle with words until it's time for Fringe. Until next time...



Jason Gusmann said...

have an awesome time at the bizarro con! hopefully i'll be in the audience for the next one...

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Woohoo - have a great time, Gina!

Grant Wamack said...

Hey what's Swarm of Flying of Eyeballs about?